A UU Perspective on Climate Change: Hope and Responsibility.

On Sunday, September 29, UUFH member James Ammerman will present a sermon on Climate Change: Hope and Responsibility from a UU perspective.

With this service, our Fellowship will be participating in a nationwide Unitarian Universal Climate Justice Revival. The Unitarian Universalist Association has encouraged us to consider the intersection of climate change with all aspects of social justice, such as disability rights, racial and gender justice, immigrant rights, etc. And to center all of them with love.

Jim is on the front lines of climate change. He is the EPA Long Island Sound Study’s Science Coordinator and was formerly the director of the New York Sea Grant Program at Stony Brook University. Every day he sees information about how global warming is impacting our region and the world. While a realist about the perils we face (he also attended Al Gore’s three-day Climate Reality Project’s leadership training in April), he is nevertheless optimistic about the future, as long as we all do our part.