UUFH 2025 Plant Sale
It is that time of year again! Start thinking Spring thoughts of green grass, budding trees, glorious flowers, and tasty vegetables. We have gorgeous plants to buy and delicious vegetables and herbs for your garden.
Plant Orders will be accepted from 3/30, 4/6 and 4/13.
There will be a table in the Social Hall after service on 3/30, 4/6 and 4/13 to answer questions and place an order. Payment can be in cash/check/Vanco (on the UUFH website, click on the Donations/Pledge button and look for the Plant Sale Line to place a payment.)
Order forms can be downloaded, filled in, sent via email, or placed in the Plant Sale box in the UUFH office.
Debbie Cohen Dbarcohen@gmail.com
Cindy Neber Cdvulcan@gmail.com
Plant Sale Pick-Up is on Saturday, May 10th, late morning
All orders will be in alphabetical order with your entire order grouped.
Thank you for your support!
Order Forms
Order forms can be downloaded and filled in and sent via email to us at: