The process of becoming a UUFH member is simple. After you believe the Fellowship will meet your needs, you are comfortable with us, and are willing to financially support and participate in the congregation, you can talk to our minister or Membership Committee chair and tell them that you would like to sign the Membership Book. Signing the book is the official “act” of becoming a member. During the year, the Membership Committee, and the minister offer sessions for new members and those considering membership in which you are given an overview of the Fellowship and Unitarian Universalism and have an opportunity to ask questions.
Membership is open to all who find the Fellowship to be a spiritual home. We ask our members to support the congregation with their time, talent, and treasure.
Giving your time means showing up, attending worship services in person or on zoom, participating in Fellowship life and making connections here.
Giving your talent means getting involved in service in the congregation. It could be making coffee, showing up on a Castle Care Saturday to help with small projects, or serving on a committee or volunteering for a special event. It is up to each member to determine how they will get involved.
Giving your treasure means making a financial pledge to the Fellowship. Once a year, we ask our members to make a pledge to give generously as they are able, to support our mission and vision with our programs and outreach. A meeting with the minister or a member of the stewardship committee can provide more information on financial giving. We also recognize that everyone is in a different financial place, and value what support one might be able to give. People who are unable to give based on their personal financial situation can meet with the minister about other ways they can support UUFH. No one is turned away from membership because of an inability to pledge.
Each month, the minister hosts a coffee in their office after one Sunday service. These informal meetings let you get to know our minister and ask questions. Twice a year, the Membership Committee holds a membership orientation that provides in-depth information about Unitarian Universalism and the UUFH. You may also wish to read more about Unitarian Universalist at the denomination website,
Membership in the Fellowship means that you identify with Unitarian Universalism as a religion. Unitarian Universalism does not require you to give up membership or affiliation with other religions, nor do we ask you to agree with any creedal statements. We believe in each person’s responsible search for truth and meaning in their life. We have several families in the Fellowship who are Unitarian Universalist and also identify as Buddhist, Jewish, Catholic, Pagan, Atheist and so on.
Determining when to join differs from person to person. Some people join within a few months because they feel so at home with us. Others stay as ‘friends’ without membership for years. We recommend visitors attend regularly for a few months and come to our new member orientation to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our Fellowship. Our minister is available to talk with you about joining if you wish to make an appointment to do so. When you are ready to join, let the minister or membership know and will arrange for you to sign our membership book. The membership book is available to sign every Sunday in the social hall. We have new member ceremonies in our worship service about twice a year to formally welcome you to the community.