FAQ About Worship at UUFH

Frequently Asked Questions about Worship at UUFH

What should I (and my children) wear to the service?

Our services do not require any special dress. Some people feel comfortable in very casual clothes; others prefer more dressy attire. It is an individual choice.

Is there childcare/Sunday School during the service?

Yes, we offer both childcare (nursery) and Religious Education (RE) programming for children of all ages during the Sunday service. Visitors are welcome. Children begin in the sanctuary for worship with their families for the first 15 minutes of the service, then go to RE program with their teachers.

We have a family room at the back of the sanctuary that is enclosed and soundproof for children under the age of 3 who may not be able to sit still through a service.  There are age-appropriate toys and chairs for adults, and the service is visible and audible.

If my child does not separate well from me, may he/she remain with me during the service?

Children are welcome to stay with their families during services. If your family needs more wiggle room, we have a Family Room at the rear of the sanctuary, where parents can see, hear, and participate in the service, while younger children can move around and play.

Do you have services year-round, or do you close during the summer?

Sunday services are at 10:30 AM. In general, our minister conducts two-thirds of the Sunday services. Other services are led by members of the Fellowship or outside speakers, coordinated by the Worship Committee. During July and August, our services and religious education programs are likely to be lay led.

What are the services like?

Our services will feel familiar to people who have attended mainline churches in the past, although the content is different.  We begin our services with a call to worship and music.  We have a choir that sings every other week and excellent musicians who provide music each week.  There is a Time for All Ages, that includes a lesson or story for the children, who are then sung out to their classes.  We take time to share the important milestones in our lives through candle lighting, followed by moments of silent meditation, reflection, or prayer.  The minister offers a weekly sermon of about 20 minutes.  We are not limited to a lectionary – you may here readings from the world’s sacred texts, poetry, books, or even the news.  Services may be contemplative, challenging, comforting, or a mixture of all of these.  Many of our members say that our worship services are the highlight of their week.

How long does a service last?

Between an hour and 75 minutes.  There is always a social hour after the services, and monthly, there is a potluck for lunch.

How big is the Fellowship?

Currently, we have around 245 members and friends and about 40 children and youth.  Since the end of the pandemic, our numbers are beginning to increase.

Are there people in the Fellowship from diverse religious/spiritual backgrounds?

We have members from many different religious and spiritual backgrounds, including Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Humanist, Atheist, Agnostic, Theist, and Pagan. They are all welcome and our Sunday services and other programs/events draw from all these groups to broaden our spiritual awareness and expand our horizons.

Is your congregation accessible to people in wheelchairs?

Yes. We have members who use wheelchairs. Our building is wheelchair accessible.

Do you have a hearing assistance system?

Yes. We have installed a FM Sound Enhancement system. The personal hearing enhancement equipment is available for your use. Please ask for assistance from one of the ushers or at the Welcoming Desk.

Do you live stream your services?

Yes, you can watch our services on Sunday mornings. Links are available below.

