Legacy Circle

Leave a Legacy

The UUFH Legacy Circle is dedicated to perpetuating the ministry, mission, and vision of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington by means of bequests, planned gifts and outright contributions to our Sustainability or Endowment Funds.

Everyone is welcome to join the UUFH Legacy Circle. To make a legacy gift or to learn more about legacy giving, simply click the button above to fill out the Legacy Form.

UUFH Legacy Circle members will be recognized and celebrated annually as ongoing supporters. You may remain anonymous, of course. But when you demonstrate that you care enough to support the future of our community, others will follow your example.


Legacy Giving Options


You can create a legacy gift to meet your personal objectives while helping to secure the future of UUFH.

BEQUESTS THROUGH YOUR WILL: Bequests in your will are simple and flexible. If your will is already written, instruct your attorney to add an amendment called a codicil to update your plans. You can indicate a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or even a specific asset.

BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS: Life insurance proceeds, Charitable Gift Annuity, and the balance in IRA’s, pension plans, bank and brokerage accounts are distributed at the end of your lifetime via a beneficiary designation form, not through your will.

Or your gift may be a blend of the options mentioned above that meet your individual needs.

Your unrestricted gift will go into the Sustainability or Endowment Fund and may be used to support our congregation. It could be used for building and grounds, children and youth programs, music, social action and justice, and staff leadership and development.

Or you may designate your gift as restricted to capital expenditures, special programs, or areas of special interests upon approval as outlined in the UUFH Gift Acceptance Policy accessible by clicking the button below.

We invite you to join the many members and friends who have included UUFH in their charitable gift and estate planning. Your gift will help provide a welcoming home to those who seek spiritual sustenance, opportunities to clarify their values, and friends to work towards peace, justice and love.



“Call it a legacy. Call it a gift. Call it planned giving. For us, including UUFH in our wills is a small token of devotion we feel for this organization, for the people who call this place their spiritual home, for the work of this congregation inside and outside its walls, and for the sustained future of the place that has meant so much to our family.”

Bob Bader & Shelley Lauer-Bader

“The Fellowship has always been a gift to our family, so we want to ensure that we can give back even when we’re no longer here.”

Liza & Steve Burby

“UUFH has been a special, welcoming religious home to me for over 29 years. I want to help preserve and enhance our beautiful building and grounds that has long served our congregation. A gift to the Legacy Circle will help to continue the stewardship of this religious home for future generations.”

Kim Schultze


Over the years, Fellowship Members and Friends have made legacy gifts of all types and sizes. Please contact the Legacy Team to discuss your goals and how you may achieve them by clicking below.