Our worship services remind us of what matters most in life, and are central to Unitarian Universalist faith and practice. They provide opportunities to go deeper with the big questions of meaning, purpose, and possibility. Each week, the worship service explores a theme through poetry, candle lighting, music, readings, and a sermon. Our worship services are focused on the individual search for truth and meaning. During worship, you may hear stories from the Bible, the Vedas, or the Sutras. You may hear from ancient philosophers and modern activists in the same service. You will hear wonderful and diverse music each week.

The congregation year begins the first Sunday after Labor Day with our Homecoming Services. Services are at 10:30 a.m., followed by a social hour. Our contract minister, the Rev. Dr. Madelyn Campbell, leads all services but one Sunday a month during the regular congregation year. The other services are led by visiting ministers, guest speakers or lay members of the congregation. Our children are with us for the first fifteen minutes of most Sunday services before their religious education classes begin. Special multigenerational services during the year bring adults and children together in worship. Our minister also performs weddings, memorial services, child dedications, and other rites of passages for our members.